Graduated in Artistic Education in Plastic Arts at the Federal University of Pernambouco, the young Brazilian from Recife was awarded both the prize and the grant of the 45th Pernambucano of Plastic Arts (2004), for his research paper “The Digital Manipulation of Photography as a Means of Artistic Expression”. He has held numerous workshops on this theme throughout Brazil, such as THE VISUAL ARTS NET/FUNARTE in Rio de Janeiro and in Brasilia in 2005 or in The Body in Brazilian Contemporary Art in São Paulo in 2005.


Workshop in English/Portuguese: Re-signifying photography. The possibilities resulting from recent advances in digital manipulation of the photographic image will be approached. A variety of examples by Brazilian visual artists who have manipulated photographic devices to create new digital images will be considered. Participants will be encouraged to execute works on suggested themes with a subsequent general debate.


Monday , 27 June
to Friday 1 July

Daily from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m
and from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. (30 hours)

Re-signifying photography
(in English/Portuguese)






workshop and exhibition:
Centre Culturel de Rencontre Abbaye de Neumünster